Saturday, June 26, 2010

Donovan “Barabajagal” (1969)

This is the album to play for any of your friends who insist that Donovan just doesn't rock. The Jeff Beck Group pop in to kick the crap out of the title track, while "Superlungs" also shakes the foundations. (OK, I'm not pretending Deep Purple or Black Sabbath would be shaking in their boots. But heavy they are, my friend.) Elsewhere Don goes "Hey Jude" one better with "Atlantis" by going from spoken introduction to ecstatic freakout, omitting any actual song. "To Susan On The West Coast Waiting" is one of the best anti-war songs in a period not noticeably lacking in anti-war songs, and one of the few that actually expresses empathy for the soldiers doing the fighting. Elsewhere you have the lusty delights of "Pamela Jo" and "Trudi". And if there's also a piece of psychedelic silliness called "I Love My Shirt", well, what did you expect? This is Donovan, remember. A remarkably satisfying listen that still sounds great, if a little short (about 32 minutes in total). –Brad

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