Monday, October 12, 2009

Mighty Baby “Mighty Baby” (1969)

Most of the members of Mighty Baby began in The Action, a Scouse soul/R&B group, and slowly evolved, as their hair and beards grew and thier minds expanded, into Mighty Baby. Mighty, indeed!

This is a great album of solid easy groovin’ by English boys assimilating American psychedelic West Coast sounds. Full of heady, reserved guitar fills/leads, harmonies... and that Hammond! Sheesh! –Nipper


  1. Bullettbird1:21 AM

    Great to see that someone else knows about this album. The cover reminds me of the id monster from Forbidden planet.

  2. Go to John Coultharts blog about The Mighty Baby album cover.

    It's Tarzan and a Lion called Numa if you look closely. It is based entirely on a drawing by Burne Hogarth.
